
International Journal

  1. Amol Sankpal, "Optimization of Retention Time in 3T DRAM using Anti-Body Bias Technique in Nanoscale Technology", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(Scopus Index), 70(11), 378-392, November 2022.

  2. Er.Samana Jafri, "Intelligent tactical Robotics", IJRTER, Vol 2,Issue 3, , March 2016.

  3. Er.Samana Jafri, "A Robust Feedback Controlled Self Balancing Robot", IJCTER, Vol 02, Issue 03, , March 2016.

  4. Zafar Khan,Hamza Jasnak, Masoom Chouhan, Shadab Barmare, "VISION BASED HUMAN COMPUTER INTERFACE USING COLOUR DETECTION", IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Volume: 05 Issue: 03, ISSN: 2319-1163 | pI, Mar-2016.

  5. Shailendrakumar M. Mukane, Feiroz F. Shaikh, "Identification of Metallurgical Surface Finish Images-In Manufacturing Process using Fuzzy Classifier", International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 74/Number 21, pp 36-40, July -2013.

  6. Er.Abdul Sayeed, "ECG Data Compression Using DWT & HYBRID", IJERA, Vol 3., , Jan/Feb 2013.

  7. Zafar khan, Nita vishwakarma, R R Patane, "Driver drowsiness identification by eye tracking and detection", IJGTI, IJGTI MARCH 2013 VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1, , IJGTI-2013.

  8. Amol Sankpal, "Retention Time Optimization In 3TDRAM Using Parametric Variation In Nanometer Regime.", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(Scopus Index), 70(02), 172-179, February 2022.

  9. Er.Samana Jafri, "Augmented Reality Based home Automation", IJSDR, Vol 2 Issue 4, , April 2017.

  10. Rajavikramreddy, "NS2 Based emulater for multicast services over wimax", IJSRD, , , April 2015.

  11. Er.Samana Jafri, "Real Time Video Surveillance and Obstacle Avoidance using Quadcopter", IJSRD, Vol 3,Issue 02, , April 2015.

  12. Er.abdul sayeed, Er.Awij A. R. Shaikh, "Optimization of Dual-Band MicroStrip Patch Antenna with Quarter Wave Transformer Feed and Two Slots", International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, , , : April 2016.

  13. Shishir Jagtap, Anjali Chaudhari, Er.Nayana Chaskar, Shilpa Kharche, Rajiv K. Gupta, "A Wideband Microstrip Array Design Using RIS and PRS Layers", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Volume: 17 , Issue: 3 , March 2018, 509 - 512, 30 January 2018.

  14. Er.Amol Sankpal, "Gsm based signal control water logging system", New Development and Challenges in Engineering, Technology and Management, ISSN 2277-4726 Issue-I, Index Volume-II, 460, 22 March 2012.

  15. Rajavikramreddy.E, "efficient human detection and tracking systemin videos using fuzzy logic", IJRTER, vol 2 issue 3, 358-361, 2016.

  16. Rajavikramreddy.E, "Home automation using FPGA controller", IJIR, Vol-2, Issue-5,, 1064-1066, 2016.

  17. Feiroz Shaikh , Abhishek Sharma, Pawan Gupta & Danish Khan, "A Driver Drowsiness Detection System using Cascaded Adaboost", Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, Vol-2, Issue-5, pp. 90-93, 2016.

  18. Zafar Khan, Ismail Taibani, Krishnakant Yadav, Sohail Sayed, "FINGER READER: TEXT TO SPEECH CONVERTER FOR BLIND", International Journal of Infinite Innovations in Technology, IJIIT|Volume-IV|Issue-III, , 2015-2016 January|.

  19. Siddiqui R., Shaikh F., Sammulal P., Lakshmi A, "An Improved Method for Face Recognition with Incremental Approach in Illumination Invariant Conditions", Springer, vol 698, pp 1145-1156, 12 October 2020.

  20. Sankpal Amol S., "Collaborative wireless gesture controlled robotics system", International journal of advanced research in computer and communication Engineering, ISSN (online): 2278-1021, ISSN(Print):2319-5940 Issue 03, Vol. 5, 513, 03 March 2016.

  21. Sankpal Amol S., "Radio controlled airplane", International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, ISSN (online): 2321-0613, Issue 02, Vol. 3, 90, 01January 2015.

  22. Er.Amol Sankpal, "Handover strategies in cellular system.", International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, ISSN (online): 2321-0613, Issue 02, Vol. 3, 2513, 01 April 2015.

  23. Zafar khan,Ms. Rinki Nag, Mr. Momin Aatif, Ms. Aarzoo Kazi, "Colour and texture based image retrieval", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT IN TECHNOLOGY, Volume-7,Issue-4,, ISSN (O) :- 2349-35, (Apr-17).

  24. vinay mengu , sharikh khan , mohammed moria , abdul sayeed, "analysis of link efficiency and handoff with mobility management in cognitive radio", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN ENGINEERING & RESEARCH, Volume 2, ONLINE ISSN 2455–145, (04 - 2016).

National Conference

  1. Pragati Pal, Sukanya Kulkarni, "Strategy of data hiding based on Block Truncation Coding", National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (NCETE-2013)held at MHSSCOE, Mumbai during, , , 4-5 January 2013..

  2. Sankpal Amol S., "Planet surface expedition using intelligent collaborative robotics system.", National conference on recent trends in computer engineering, , 113, 24 January 2012.

International Conference

  1. Er.Samana Jafri, "Augmented Waste Segregation Robot on Artificial Intelligence", ICNTET, , , 7 & 8 September 2018.

  2. Pragati Pal, Sukanya Kulkarni, "Data Hiding based on color Image compression", International Conference and workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology (ICWET-14)held at TCET, Mumbai during, , , 28th Feb to 1st March 2014..

  3. Amol Sankpal, "study and analysis of leakage current and leakage power in 1T1c dram at nanoscale technology.", 2020 4th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA)(Scopus Index), , 99-104, 28/12/2020.

  4. Er.Samana Jafri, "Detection of shared congestion using wavelet denoising", ICEFT, , , 27 March.

  5. Er.Samana Jafri, "Face Recognition using Deep Neural Network with Liveness Net", ICICT, , , 26-28 Feb 2020.

  6. Awij A. R. Shaikh, R. B. Lohani, R.P.R.C. Aiyer, "Effect of Dimension Variation in Complementary Split Ring Resonator on Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna", Conferences in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering [CETE-2018], , , 23rd and 24th February 2018..

  7. Er.Amol Sankpal, "Environment monitoring using intelligent collaborative robotics system.", New Development and Challenges in Engineering, Technology and Management, ISSN 2277-4726 Issue-I, Index Volume-II, 541, 22 March 2012.

  8. Pragati Pal, Sukanya Kulkarni, "A survey on data hiding in various domain", Recent Trends in Information Technology and Computer Science (ICRTITCS-2012)held at Thakur College of Science & Commerce, Mumbai, , , 17-18 December 2012..

  9. Leena Chaudhary, Er.Nayana Chaskar, Shishir Jagtap,Rajiv. K. Gupta, "Gain and bandwidth improvement of microstrip antenna using RIS and FPC resonator", International Conference on Nascent Technologies in the Engineering Field (ICNTE),, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5090-2794-1 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5090-2795-8, , 15 June 2017.

  10. Amol Sankpal, "Study and Analysis of Retention Time and Refresh Frequency in 1T1C DRAM at Nanometer Regime", International Conference on Micro and Nanoelectronics Devices, Circuits and Systems NIT Silchar(Scopus Index), 781, 449-458, 10/09/2021.

  11. Er. Nayana Chaskar, Sneha Dalvi , Sandip Rathod , Anjali A. Chaudhari , and Rajiv K. Gupta, "Effect of dimension, spacing, periodicity and shape of RIS on resonant frequency and bandwidth of 2 × 2 antenna array", Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5090-6093-1 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5090-6094-8, , 10 November 2016.